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New Release - Fire Escape - Book Three: Troubled Heroes Series

After taking much longer than I had anticipated, Fire Escape - Book Three: Troubled Heroes Series is now available! Here is the book blurb:

Saturday night when I was editing, it was perfect. Right when I went to the KDP website to begin uploading the manuscript, I received an email from a reader stating how much they loved the book (Through Smoke, Book one in this series) and how they understand how important character development is. I have been in a feedback drought lately, and was thrilled to hear from someone. She went on to state that she would be reading the sequel, Backfire. I just had to let her know that her timing was perfect, and that the third book would soon be available in literally a matter of hours.
I apologize for the delay in finishing - I have put reasons (excuses) toward the end of the book in a special note to all of you.
Happy reading! Stay warm out there - spring will (hopefully) be here soon! And as always, I'd love to hear from you all! Hate the book or love it, sending me a quick email, tweet, or comment on Facebook will help me improve!

1 comment:

  1. Just to let you know, I started Fire Escape this afternoon. I'm loving it. I had begun a Michael Bennett by James Patterson, but Michael McGinnis won out hands down when choosing what to read on this very blustery winter's day. So glad you got it published in time for a weekend with Mikey. Love me some Michael McGinnis.
